Loughton House

Loughton House, Moneygall, Loughton, Co. Offaly, E53 WK16
+353 89 431 9150

Doctors Andrew and Michael, originally from Co Monaghan and Co Waterford respectively, work in UK and travel to Ireland as often as possible. Day-to-day operations are managed by Sarah, Lady Langham, who’s goal is to ensure you have an unforgettable sojourn. We all love country living, and have a passion for all animals, including horses and dogs. We relish getting to know people from all walks of life – our goal is to learn something new every single day. We love our home, and sharing its warmth with new friends. At Loughton, our business is your pleasure, and only your pleasure. So come and immerse yourself in authentic country life on the grand scale.

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